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Life in South Korea

History of South Korea After the surrender of Japan to the Allied Forces, in 1945, Korea was divided into two parts: the northern one was occupied by the Soviet Union, while the US occupied the southern part. The Cold War has later led to the non-creation of a unified independent Korea because of failed negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1948, the Republic of Korea was established in the South, after UN-supervised elections were held there. This has later resulted in the establishment of the Democratic People's Republic in the North. The two governments claimed sovereignty over the whole Korea, which had ultimately led to a war between 1950 and 1953, with the US backing the South, and the Soviet Union the North. On July 27, 1953, the Korean Armistice Agreement, a ceasefire, was signed by the two opponents. However, the war never ended. Today, South Korea is one of the Four Asian Tigers along side with Taiwan, Singapore, and HongKong (China

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